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Autism spectrum disorders

Autism spectrum disorders are neurological disorders that affect the characteristics of behavior, communication and processing of sensory sensations. Autism spectrum disorders include a wide range of symptoms and levels of disorder, from mild to severe. Although autism is a lifelong condition that often presents learning and other difficulties for children, children with autism spectrum disorders often have extremely unique strengths and talents that can be revealed with the right help. Autism - what is it and how does this disorder manifest itself:
Children with autism spectrum disorder often have difficulty communicating, may find it difficult to understand social cues, maintain eye contact, share interests, and express emotions.
Children with autism spectrum disorders are characterized by delayed or limited speech development.
Repetitive behavior is a common sign of autism spectrum disorder. These can be repetitive movements (such as flapping hands), insistent adherence to the same actions or routine.
Children with autism spectrum disorders often have sensory sensitivity—they may be overly sensitive or insufficiently sensitive to sensory stimuli such as light, sound, touch, taste, or smell.
Children with autism spectrum disorders often have sensory sensitivity—they may be overly sensitive or insufficiently sensitive to sensory stimuli such as light, sound, touch, taste, or smell.
Children with autism spectrum disorders may prefer routine, and when this is disturbed, they often become restless.
Autism manifests itself differently in each child. For some, the symptoms can be mild and children can lead independent lives. If the child has more severe autism spectrum disorders, more help and support from those around them may be needed.

How can Braingym workouts help children with autism spectrum disorders?

Timely detection of symptoms, a thorough examination of development and other specialists, and the performance of special tests that diagnose autism spectrum disorders can significantly improve the quality of life of children with this disorder and their families. It is important to note that the training of speech therapists, behavior therapy and cognitive skills must be appropriate to the needs of each child with autism spectrum disorders. The Braingym training program for children allows not only to achieve better academic results, but also improves speaking, communication and emotion management skills and strengthens their autonomy, self-confidence in all areas of life.

Sign up for a consultation

If your child is experiencing learning or other difficulties, contact us to learn more about how the BrainRX method and individual training program helps children strengthen cognitive skills.

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